We have added two new features to our website coburghighhistorical.org These are to celebrate teachers we remember and ex-students who came back to the school as teachers. You'll find them under the ''Facts from our Files'' section.
Have a look when you get the chance and perhaps you might like to add your own memories to these pages by emailing us at [email protected]
Congratulations to Elisabeth Grove [White] on receiving a well-deserved OAM in this year's Australia Day Honours List. Lis [1958 Stream] was Head Prefect and House Captain in 1963 and has been a long standing and hard-working member of your Historical Group for many years.
What a group that 1958 stream must have been. In our list of ex-students with honours we have Head Prefect, Lis White OAM, Deputy Head Prefect Glenyys Romanes [Howlett] AM, June 2021 Brian Hassett OAM June 2020, Victor Boreham, Bravery Award 1994, OAM 2019 John Griffiths (PNG Award) MBE June 1985
While you are looking through this impressive list you should have a look at the Notable Students page on the website, where you will find a very interesting article about another student from the 1958 Stream, Geoffrey Dumayne.
Thanks to Merri-bek Council, the Final Assembly for Years 7-9 students in December 2023 was a first as it was held in the Coburg Town Hall.
CHS does not have a big enough space to house the growing number of students at the school.
This evoked memories for CHSHG President Glenyys Romanes, a guest speaker at the gathering, of her time in the 1960s when CHS students walked directly across Bell Street every Friday morning for school assembly. At that time there were even traffic lights in place to enable a safe crossing for students.
For many decades CHS was one of few secondary schools in the North of Melbourne and most facilities were actually provided by Coburg Council – the Concert Hall for physical education, City Oval for sports, Bridges Reserve next door functioned as an open space at lunchtimes, and the school depended on the municipal Library before it had its own library. The relationship between school and Council was close and it was good to see CHS making use of the wonderful Town Hall space again.
Awards for achievement were given at the Assembly, covering excellence in academic work and contributions to the life of the school community. A special mention was given to Aimee Pownall, a VCE student at CHS who had achieved an ATAR of 95.45 and a scholarship to Melbourne University while being a Carer for both her parents.
It is with great sadness we note the passing of David Thiessen [1957 Stream] and Richard Willmott [1951 Stream]. Richard was one of the ex-students who returned as a teacher.
We have added two new features to our website coburghighhistorical.org These are to celebrate teachers we remember and ex-students who came back to the school as teachers. You'll find them under the ''Facts from our Files'' section.
Have a look when you get the chance and perhaps you might like to add your own memories to these pages by emailing us at [email protected]
Congratulations to Elisabeth Grove [White] on receiving a well-deserved OAM in this year's Australia Day Honours List. Lis [1958 Stream] was Head Prefect and House Captain in 1963 and has been a long standing and hard-working member of your Historical Group for many years.
What a group that 1958 stream must have been. In our list of ex-students with honours we have Head Prefect, Lis White OAM, Deputy Head Prefect Glenyys Romanes [Howlett] AM, June 2021 Brian Hassett OAM June 2020, Victor Boreham, Bravery Award 1994, OAM 2019 John Griffiths (PNG Award) MBE June 1985
While you are looking through this impressive list you should have a look at the Notable Students page on the website, where you will find a very interesting article about another student from the 1958 Stream, Geoffrey Dumayne.
Thanks to Merri-bek Council, the Final Assembly for Years 7-9 students in December 2023 was a first as it was held in the Coburg Town Hall.
CHS does not have a big enough space to house the growing number of students at the school.
This evoked memories for CHSHG President Glenyys Romanes, a guest speaker at the gathering, of her time in the 1960s when CHS students walked directly across Bell Street every Friday morning for school assembly. At that time there were even traffic lights in place to enable a safe crossing for students.
For many decades CHS was one of few secondary schools in the North of Melbourne and most facilities were actually provided by Coburg Council – the Concert Hall for physical education, City Oval for sports, Bridges Reserve next door functioned as an open space at lunchtimes, and the school depended on the municipal Library before it had its own library. The relationship between school and Council was close and it was good to see CHS making use of the wonderful Town Hall space again.
Awards for achievement were given at the Assembly, covering excellence in academic work and contributions to the life of the school community. A special mention was given to Aimee Pownall, a VCE student at CHS who had achieved an ATAR of 95.45 and a scholarship to Melbourne University while being a Carer for both her parents.
It is with great sadness we note the passing of David Thiessen [1957 Stream] and Richard Willmott [1951 Stream]. Richard was one of the ex-students who returned as a teacher.