NEWSLETTER March. 2019
Past Students and Staff Association (PSASA)
Coburg High School Historical Group, Inc
Newsletter … March 2019
Bell Street Site
The former site of the school in Bell St. is now owned by Ryman Healthcare, a New Zealand company, who are building a retirement village, with apartments and many levels of care and facilities. We are working with them to recognize the history of the site and are preparing large and small creative art works to be displayed in the entrance area, café entry near the corner of the original entrance to the school, the park and Bell Street. The largest sculpture will be able to be viewed from Bell Street and is being facilitated through Sue Hodges Productions (SHP) who is consulting through us with Ryman.
Exciting and interesting times at last.
View further information on our website.
Click on the button below for the current update
Coburg High School Historical Group, Inc
Newsletter … March 2019
Bell Street Site
The former site of the school in Bell St. is now owned by Ryman Healthcare, a New Zealand company, who are building a retirement village, with apartments and many levels of care and facilities. We are working with them to recognize the history of the site and are preparing large and small creative art works to be displayed in the entrance area, café entry near the corner of the original entrance to the school, the park and Bell Street. The largest sculpture will be able to be viewed from Bell Street and is being facilitated through Sue Hodges Productions (SHP) who is consulting through us with Ryman.
Exciting and interesting times at last.
View further information on our website.
Click on the button below for the current update
Project to develop a Sustainable Archive of the Coburg High School Historical Collection
Background -
Following Coburg High School’s 2016 Centenary Celebrations, the Coburg High School Historical Group (CHSHG) has welcomed many additions to its collection of images, materials, papers and records from past students and their families.
CHSHG has sought professional advice on how best to preserve and ensure the future of its valuable collection and how to manage a coherent database. CHSHG would like to form an Archive Team to work towards this with Susan Faine, a professional collection manager, and has secured a Moreland Council grant to engage her to provide training in collection management through a series of workshop sessions.
Purpose - to upskill a Team to manage the archive into the future and to make the collection more accessible physically and intellectually to the wider community and researchers.
Training Content - A series of Informative and training Workshops from January to June 2019,
Putting Learnings into Practice and thinking about how best to disseminate information about the Archive and how people can access it; consider the role of the collection and access in conjunction with the school community and curriculum outcomes.
The Team - The Archive Team will use their existing skills and knowledge to contribute to the project, such as computer skills, research abilities and then, working in pairs to progress the project and learn aspects which can then be applied to Family history recording and interests and use into the future.
If you have some time and interest in this short project, we would welcome you into the training team and value your contributions to the future of CHSHG in 2019
Please contact us via E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: Glenyys Romanes 0419 518 042
Brenda Langmaid 0439 864 529