Loyal in All – The Centenary of Coburg High School
As mentioned in our previous newsletter our book was entered in the 2017 Victorian Community History Awards competition run by the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Our authors, Lis and Laura, attended the awards ceremony on Monday 16th October last but, unfortunately, we were not successful in obtaining an award. Our book has been added to the Society’s collection and listed on their website with a brief summary of the contents. The book has been very well received and complimented by many. CLICK THIS LINK FOR INFO ABOUT THE BOOK
The many photos and items of memorabilia that were donated are still being catalogued and stored appropriately in our archives. Any further items no longer required by ex-students, or their families, will be warmly welcomed and acknowledged.
School Banners and Houses
The School banner and House banners have been re-furbished to a high standard by the Embroiders Guild and it is hoped that they will be used by the school as they re-establish the House system in the near future.
Office Bearers
At our last AGM, Don Trewella indicated that he wished to step down as Treasurer. We thank him for the many years served as Chairman and Treasurer. The role has been taken on by Tom Anderson as combined Secretary/Treasurer with Lis Grove becoming Minute Secretary.
Web-site Up-date
1. Reminiscences
A section entitled “Reminiscences” has been added and we would like to hear stories from your days at CHS. They can be as long or as brief as you like and can be emailed or posted to the addresses listed below. Photos of you then and now would add to the story. Martin is always adding items and photos to the web-site so we suggest you check regularly.
2. Reunions
There is a section where any reunion details can be published. Photos of any reunions are most welcome for inclusion.
If you are contemplating a reunion, we are happy to help in trying to trace your peers from our data-base.
3. Class Photos
Martin has recently re-arranged the class photos in the order of the year in which students started or would have started Form 1 or Year 7 so that they are more easily found. If you have any photos that are not there, you can post or email a copy for inclusion.
Membership and Newsletters
Future newsletters will be mailed out to Life and financial Annual members only. Unfortunately, the ever increasing cost of printing and postage has made this decision necessary. It will always be on our web-site.
As a member of CHSHG you will also contribute towards our activities in preserving our history and memorabilia. Annual membership is $10, payable August/September each year, or Life membership $100. You can join by sending a cheque made out to “Coburg High School Historical Group” or make a direct deposit into our Bank A/c as detailed below. Please use “Membership” and your name as the reference.
Bell Street Site
Ryman Healthcare has recently obtained an amended Planning Permit for the construction of a retirement/aged care facility and has placed a billboard on the front fence. The Permit contains a clause requiring the history of the site to be recognised appropriately. As we have memorabilia and records that are relevant we have written to Council and Ryman requesting that we be involved in discussions about this recognition. There has been no response to date.
“Loyal in All – the Centenary of Coburg High School” BOOK OF THE CENTURY
Copies are still available at $20 + $5 postage
Payment by cheque payable to “Coburg High School Historical Group”
or by Direct Credit to our bank account BSB 633-000 A/c No 128796802
Please use your name and ‘book’ as the reference and post, phone or email your details to Pauline Atkins, 22/8 Pottage Circuit, Macleod, 3085. Ph. 9459-9812, Mob. 0417 142 268 Email; [email protected]
Copies are also available at the school with proceeds of those sales going to the school or from the Coburg Historical Society at the Bluestone Cottage in Bell Street, near the Town Hall
CDs of our Magazines
These are still available at $10 for one, $15 for two or $20 for all three plus $5 postage. Payment can be by cheque or direct credit to our Bank Account as detailed above. Please use “CDs” and your name as the reference and email, phone or post your details to the Secretary.
Your Contact Details
Please remember to let us have any changes to your contact details so that we can keep our data-base up to date and ensure that you continue to receive our communications. If you have recently joined the email community, please advise us as email is the easiest and quickest method for us to communicate with you.
Volunteers Please
As some of the active members of our group are advancing in age, we would welcome any ex-student, perhaps recently retired with a little spare time, to join us and help with ongoing cataloguing and other easy tasks.
We meet about every six weeks at the school. Please contact us via our email or by phone.
Contact Us
Website; www.coburghighhistorical.org Email; [email protected]
Post; c/o PO Box 162, Coburg, 3058
Phone; Brenda Langmaid 0439 864 529 Tom Anderson 0438 706 204
At our last AGM, Don Trewella indicated that he wished to step down as Treasurer. We thank him for the many years served as Chairman and Treasurer. The role has been taken on by Tom Anderson as combined Secretary/Treasurer with Lis Grove becoming Minute Secretary.
Web-site Up-date
1. Reminiscences
A section entitled “Reminiscences” has been added and we would like to hear stories from your days at CHS. They can be as long or as brief as you like and can be emailed or posted to the addresses listed below. Photos of you then and now would add to the story. Martin is always adding items and photos to the web-site so we suggest you check regularly.
2. Reunions
There is a section where any reunion details can be published. Photos of any reunions are most welcome for inclusion.
If you are contemplating a reunion, we are happy to help in trying to trace your peers from our data-base.
3. Class Photos
Martin has recently re-arranged the class photos in the order of the year in which students started or would have started Form 1 or Year 7 so that they are more easily found. If you have any photos that are not there, you can post or email a copy for inclusion.
Membership and Newsletters
Future newsletters will be mailed out to Life and financial Annual members only. Unfortunately, the ever increasing cost of printing and postage has made this decision necessary. It will always be on our web-site.
As a member of CHSHG you will also contribute towards our activities in preserving our history and memorabilia. Annual membership is $10, payable August/September each year, or Life membership $100. You can join by sending a cheque made out to “Coburg High School Historical Group” or make a direct deposit into our Bank A/c as detailed below. Please use “Membership” and your name as the reference.
Bell Street Site
Ryman Healthcare has recently obtained an amended Planning Permit for the construction of a retirement/aged care facility and has placed a billboard on the front fence. The Permit contains a clause requiring the history of the site to be recognised appropriately. As we have memorabilia and records that are relevant we have written to Council and Ryman requesting that we be involved in discussions about this recognition. There has been no response to date.
“Loyal in All – the Centenary of Coburg High School” BOOK OF THE CENTURY
Copies are still available at $20 + $5 postage
Payment by cheque payable to “Coburg High School Historical Group”
or by Direct Credit to our bank account BSB 633-000 A/c No 128796802
Please use your name and ‘book’ as the reference and post, phone or email your details to Pauline Atkins, 22/8 Pottage Circuit, Macleod, 3085. Ph. 9459-9812, Mob. 0417 142 268 Email; [email protected]
Copies are also available at the school with proceeds of those sales going to the school or from the Coburg Historical Society at the Bluestone Cottage in Bell Street, near the Town Hall
CDs of our Magazines
These are still available at $10 for one, $15 for two or $20 for all three plus $5 postage. Payment can be by cheque or direct credit to our Bank Account as detailed above. Please use “CDs” and your name as the reference and email, phone or post your details to the Secretary.
Your Contact Details
Please remember to let us have any changes to your contact details so that we can keep our data-base up to date and ensure that you continue to receive our communications. If you have recently joined the email community, please advise us as email is the easiest and quickest method for us to communicate with you.
Volunteers Please
As some of the active members of our group are advancing in age, we would welcome any ex-student, perhaps recently retired with a little spare time, to join us and help with ongoing cataloguing and other easy tasks.
We meet about every six weeks at the school. Please contact us via our email or by phone.
Contact Us
Website; www.coburghighhistorical.org Email; [email protected]
Post; c/o PO Box 162, Coburg, 3058
Phone; Brenda Langmaid 0439 864 529 Tom Anderson 0438 706 204