Coburg High School Historical Group has launched its 2024 appeal for donations of books to the Coburg High School Library.
This follows the successful appeal held at the 105+1 Reunion in 2022, when former students and staff donated more than 50 books and made some generous donations to the CHS Library Fund. At the time, Librarian Dianna Jarnet expressed her delight at the outstanding response and the wide range of books selected by donors.
During recent decades, CHS was set up as a completely digital Senior School, but after its re-establishment as a Years 7-12 school, it was decided to reinstate a library. Since then, CHS and Dianna have been working to build up the library collection to support learning at CHS.
Dianna says, “We want to keep our kids curious, looking for good, reliable information, so we need to stay up to date with verified sources of information as well as books for pleasure to inspire readers … The library also functions as a community hub within the school. So many kids come to study, read and hang out there at recess and lunchtime that I often have to declare it full and restrict further entry for a short period.”
Attached is a link BOOK DRIVE to a list of 100 books that have been chosen by Dianna to enhance the current collection – fiction/non-fiction, and various categories.
If you would like to support the book drive, you can select a book(s) to donate to the CHS Library or you can make a donation and leave it to Dianna to choose an appropriate book.
A book plate acknowledging your gift will then be placed in the front of the book chosen.
There are two ways to make a donation.
By credit card: Ring the school Administrative Staff on 9353 1700 to provide your credit card details and contact details so that you can receive a tax-deductible receipt and nominate your book choice. Also, provide the years you attended CHS to be included on the book plate acknowledging your gift.
Or donate directly to the Coburg High School Library Fund account at BSB:033 338 Account No: 269 796, using your name and postcode as reference. You will then need to email or ring the School, confirm you have sent a gift of [$ amount], give your name, the years you attended CHS, and the book(s) you wish to donate to the library. [email protected]
For further information ring: Dianna Jarnet 93531700
0r email [email protected]
Coburg High School postal address:
P.O. Box 162, COBURG 3058